Monday, December 18, 2006

Turmoil 2

Oh and to top off all that, I have been feeling like crap and I am worried about flying hom on thursday. My left ear is so clogged that it is painful. I forgot to call the doc office this morning but I will do so tomorrow.

I hope this week is better then last.

I started SWG again for the 3 rd time over the weekend. They have really changed that game, and in my opinion for the better. I actually enjoy it again. Unfortunalty none of my online gaming friends will play it. but then to them SW is just a series of movies.

I really look forward to seeing N. and his family. It has been too long. I look forward to any fishing we may do. It isn't the actual catching of the fish that I like it is the convo's we have.

I just thought of something. Imagine fishing while stoned.......your already relaxed and BSing about life then you introduce weed in to the the convo's you could have. except the muchies would suck......bait ain't good eating for us

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