Friday, December 1, 2006

Pier Fishing

I decided last Friday to hit the Peir. So I went and bought a bunch of cigar minnows (frozen) becuase last time they were getting hit as fast as you threw them in the water and I bought some squid becuase pins love dem some squid.

So I get out there and the peir is packed!! I find a reletivly clear spot and set up. I throw 1 rod out with a float and weighting down the bait so it sits about 6 feet under the surface and the other I rigged for bottom fishing. I rigged up my medium ugly stik for pins and threw that out there. Oh I was bottom fishing with the Tiger/VS combo.

As I was waiting for the poles to get hit....yes the pins weren't biting at all....I noticed that an old couple about 20 feet were nailing the sheepshead, on cut shrimp......I usually always have shrimp....but not today...becuase last time the minnows were hitting........figures.

well after a few hours of catching nothing, I noticed that alot of people cleared out at the end, so I packed up and moved down there.

Oh wait I have to interject a complaint and a cool thing that did happen. Well first the complaint. Why the hell do parents allow their kids to run amok on a very crowded peir with a pole rigged with 3 treble hooks??? I watched this kid hook a couple people (clothes only...thank god) and then he casted so bad he threw continously over my lines and would bitch to his parents that my lines were in his way......he did the same 5 times to the elderly couple who were nailing the sheepshead....the father and mother were just as bad.....the mother watched me float rig a minnow out and looked at me and casted over my line causing me to reel back and do it again..........I was about ready to use the family as shark bait.

Ok the cool thing....I had the Van Staal in the water and a few guys walked by on their way out. I heard one say to the other " My god that is a 600 dollar reel!" Then both looked at me with was soo awesome. No I am not getting a swelled head, I am just proud of that reel.

well anyway back to the fishing report.

to make a long and drawn out story short, all I caught for the rest of the night was a small blue that was put on the international for bait.....he didn't even get nibbled. So he is now sitting in my freezer awaiting the day he becomes chum...

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